Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Palace to Corona: Tell court employees to go back to work!

Philippine Chief Justice
Renato Corona
Malacañang call on Chief Justice Renato Corona to ask court employees to go back to work, after some courts cancelled hearings to express support for the embattled chief justice.

"We call on Chief Justice Corona, should he deny that a court holiday has been declared, to order them back to work and let not slow to a grinding halt the wheels of justice. We call on members of the judiciary to not let themselves be used to further the political agenda of one man and his patron," Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said in a statement issued this noon.

"The sudden declaration of a court holiday on December 14, 2011 is yet another example of how justice can be subverted to further the interest of one," Lacierda said.

"Court hearings set for today have been cancelled—there are even reports that hearings on the Maguindanao massacre case have been reset—so that court employees can attend a hastily planned rally this afternoon in support of Chief Justice Corona. If this is true, then one must ask if the judiciary is not being manipulated into participating in one man's personal issues," he added.

Source: ABS-CBNNews.com

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