Monday, December 5, 2011

Symphony of Science ~ The Quantum World

Symphony of Science - The Quantum World

A musical investigation into the nature of atoms and subatomic particles, the jiggly things that make up everything we see. Featuring Morgan Freeman (American actor, film director, aviator and narrator), Frank Close (particle physicist), Michio Kaku (theoretical physicist, co-founder of string theory), Brian Cox (British particle physicist), Richard Feynman (American physicist, Nobel prize awardee in Physics), and Stephen Hawking (English theoretical physicist and cosmologist).

"The Quantum World" is the eleventh installment in the ongoing Symphony of Science music video series by John D. Boswell.

Materials used in the creation of this video are from:

Richard Feynman - Fun to Imagine
BBC Visions of the Future - the Quantum Revolution
Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman
Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking
Brian Cox TED Talk
BBC What Time is it
BBC Wonders of the Universe
BBC Horizon - What Is Reality

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