Monday, December 12, 2011

Senators opposing RH bill raised to 10

According to a recent Tribune news post, the ranks of the senators alleged to be now opposing the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) Bill had risen to 10, just two votes shy from defeating its enactment into law.

"From what I know of the bill, there are already 10 senators inclined to vote against it," Senate Majority Leader Vicente Sotto III bared yesterday.

From the initial four members of the upper chamber, Sotto included, the numbers went up after holding the initial plenary debates.

Sotto, however, did not name the six other senators. It's publicly known that Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Senators Ralph Recto and Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel III are against the appoval of the bill.

The majority leader said that further delay in the deliberations of the RH bill is inevitable, especially if the impeachment complaint is transmitted to the upper chamber.

Sotto, rules committee chairman, explained that the articles of impeachment will take precedence as the rules provide for them to act on it the moment it is brought before them for proper action. Over the weekend, Enrile made assurance on the continuing floor debates on the bill during the remaining plenary sessions but not to the extent of voting for its approval before they go on another recess since a number of senators still have questions on the proposed legislation.

Congress is due to go on Christmas break beginning Dec. 17 and will resume on Jan. 15, 2012.

If put into vote now, Enrile said the bill is unlikely to get its approval since there are at least 10 of them definitely against it while seven others remained undecided and only two who are openly in favor of it.

Enrile admitted it is difficult to say if the plenary debates on the bill would be finished before the year ends or even predict the final number of votes for or against it.

Meanwhile, the Roman Catholic Church, the church of the dominating religion on the country, never ceases to sermon the people; telling them to not support the bill, this is despite the growing population, which some politicians believe would become one of the future problems the country would be facing if not given a solution.

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