A few days ago, an alleged Ramgen Revilla and Janelle Manahan Sex Scandal video surfaced on the net. According to some sources, it started on Facebook, then on Youtube - the video service provider giant owned by Google Inc. From there, it spread like wildfire to various media storage sites, to bittorrent sites, and to other porn sites. The uploader of the video was unknown, although people could only speculate that it came from the Bautista family, Ramgen's family, side. Janelle's attorney said this was to be expected because earlier, his client Janelle had received numerous threats and blackmails including a Facebook post that says "You are not clean Ate Janelle [Elder Sister Janelle]." Janelle's side believes that one or maybe some of Ramgen's siblings may be the culprit and is/are intimidating, blackmailing, and harassing her so she would abandon the case against the Bautista siblings. Janelle was the only surviving star witness to the murder of his boy friend Ramgen Revilla, whose murder was allegedly been masterminded by his own siblings. Janelle's attorney, Atty. Guevarra, said that the video was stored in Ramgen's computer and later transferred to one of the computers of the Bautista household, but the Bautista side denies the allegation and called it absurd, further saying that the police had already confiscated some of their belongings including their computers and there's no way for them to have done it.
The Source
Despite Facebook and Google's strict policy against pornography, the two sites were still use but mainly because of each site's massive popularity and number of users. We could presume that the two sites were merely use as a means to promote the video.
Most of these videos on Youtube had hyperlinks to minor sites and blogs claiming to have had the actual video. Of course, the videos on Youtube and so is on Facebook, were already either deleted or archived by now, but not before it leaked out to other sites and PCs. There are some sites that still host them, but it would take vigorous research and the right research techniques to find them.
Where is the Video?
Due to the anti-voyeurism law imposed by the government, I will not risk 3-7 years imprisonment or a fine of P100,000 - P500,000 just to show it to you guys. However, I cannot find anything in the law that says helping people find the video is illegal, so I'm still gonna teach you people how to find it.
Note that the law only covers the Republic of the Philippines, it does not cover the world so other sites and site owners based outside of the country are still free to reproduce the video if they want to. That's why once the video is leaked, it will always survive on the net, although access could be somehow limited. To find the video, disable Google's family filter, then select video searching. You can find the option at the side. This will show a list of videos, most of these from youtube, but keep browsing the list until you reach the almost end of it, and you'll still find a site that still has it.
The video I saw on Xtube is only 53 secs. long, with Ramgen and Janelle in a shower. Well, the rest of the details is for you to find out.
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