Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hacktivist group Anonymous targets pepper-spraying UC Davis cop

The hacktivist collective Anonymous now targets the UC Davis police officer who was filmed casually pepper-spraying passive students protesters.

A new 10-minute video attributed to the shadowy "hacktivist" group threatens the officer directly and and publicize his personal contact information, including his cell phone number and an alleged home address.

The voicemail on the working cell number for Lt. John Pike was full Tuesday.

"Dear Officer John Pike, we are Anonymous. Your information is now public domain," a computer-generated voice narrating the Anonymous video states.

"Expect our full wrath," the voice continues as viral video of the Friday incident plays in the background. "Anonymous seeks to avenge all protesters... We are going to make you squeal like a pig."

The ominous message, which ends with a photo of Lt. Pike and the sounds of shrieking pigs, makes no excuse for exposing Pike to potential reprisals. Moreover, Anonymous urge people to harass the said officer.

"We have no problem targeting police and releasing their information even if it puts them at risk because we want them to experience just a taste of the brutality and misery they serve us on an everyday basis," it says.

UC Davis authorities were aware of the Anonymous threat Tuesday, a source in the campus police department said.

The source declined to comment further, referring questions to a spokeswoman who was not immediately available.

University officials and campus police are facing an angry backlash from students and protesters associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement who are demanding the firing of Pike and others involved in the confrontation.

Widely circulated videos show Pike calmly spraying a bright orange stream of police-grade pepper spray into the faces of protesters sitting on the ground with arms linked.

The image of his outstretched arm has become an internet meme, cut and pasted into iconic scenes of serenity including a photo of John Lennon and Yoko Ono lying in bed.

Since the incident, two unidentified UC Davis police officers and the police chief have been placed on administrative leave.

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