Saturday, November 5, 2011

Christians burnt alive by Sunni Muslims in Nigeria story was a FAKE

You guys might have already seen this photo being reposted in Facebook and other Social Networking sites, and is usually accompanied by the following texts:

"Posted by Jillian Becker in Africa, Arab States, Christianity, Christians burnt alive by Sunni Muslims, Islam, Muslims, jihad).....PLEASE SHARE IT OR JUST UPLOAD YOUR OWN...BUT SOMEHOW SPREAD IT IF YOU'RE EVEN 1% CHRISTIAN — It is still not over yet!"

Some might change the content into something else like "Pray for our Christian brothers", but before reposting it, know that the story is a FAKE! And the photo that comes along with this fake is not a photo of burnt Christians, but a photo of the dead bodies which resulted from a Congo gas tanker explosion.

Apparently, the fake story was all made up to help stir religious conflict between Christians and Muslims or for some other political reasons.

And of course, to those who likes to post without verifying the story, do not repost without doing some research first. Otherwise, you guys would end up helping these hoax perpetrators accomplish their evil intentions.

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